Cortana | Delve | MileIQ | MyAnalytics
Cortana Logo

What is Microsoft Cortana?

Cortana is your personal productivity assistant. It is just like Siri or Alexa, but for all things Microsoft. 

Cortana can help you manage your calendar, create reminders, alarms, find facts and more! 

Delve Logo

What is Microsoft Delve?

Delve is a workspace that allows you to view all of your favorite documents and relevant content in one place. Such as what you are working on and who you work with. Delve also is an online personal profile in your Microsoft network. 

MileIQ Logo

What is Microsoft MileIQ?

MileIQ is a mobile app that lets your track your mileage. By integrating with Microsoft, it makes submitting your mileage to those in your organization easy! 

MyAnalytics Logo

What is Microsoft MyAnalytics?

MyAnalytics is a time and productivity tracking tool. This app will send you information about how you are spending your time, how well you're focusing, and offer tips on how to be more productive. 

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Disclaimers: Not all applications may come with your current Microsoft license. Some applications are additional add-ins. Applications may be restricted and/or non-accessible per your organization. Any use of an application must follow your organization's data and usage policy. Contact your organization's management for more information.